Class Apply
Personal Info
Docs Upload
申請人資料 Applicant Information
申請編號 Application No.
出生證明書號碼 Birth Certificate No.
登記電郵 Registered Email.
申請學年 Applying for Year
暫時沒有可供面試時段 Currently all interview section full
請選擇 Please select
申請班級 Applying for Class
暫時沒有可供面試時段 Currently all interview section full
請選擇 Please select
優先次序 Priority
請選擇 Please select
* 必須填寫 Required
申請人資料 Applicant Information
申請人姓氏(中) Last Name (Chi)
申請人名字(中) Name (Chi)
申請人姓氏(英) Last Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
申請人名字(英) Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
性別 Gender

請選擇 Please select
出生日期 Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
必須填寫或格式不正確 Required or Format incorrect
出生日期不符合申請${applying_class} Date of Birth are not allowed to apply ${applying_class}
出生地點 Place of birth
請選擇 Please select
出生證明書號碼 Birth Certificate No.
必須填寫 Required
此紀錄已存在 Record Exist
家中常用語言 Language spoken at home
國籍 Nationality
請選擇 Please select
宗教 Religion
領洗日期 Date of baptism (YYYY-MM-DD)
必須填寫或格式不正確 Required or Format incorrect
必須少於今天 Require before Today
住址 Home Address
必須填寫 Required
分區 District
請選擇 Please select
電郵 Email
必須填寫 Required 格式不正確 Format incorrect
國家號碼 Country Code
必須填寫或格式不正確 Required or Format incorrect
電話 Telephone no.
必須填寫或格式不正確 Required or Format incorrect
申請人曾就讀的學校(如有) Previous School (If any)
* 必須填寫 Required Fields
家長/監護人資料 Parent/Guardian Information
父親/監護人資料 Father Information
姓氏(中) Last Name (Chi)
名字(中) Name (Chi)
姓氏(英) Last Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
名字(英) Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
職業 Occupation
公司 Company
公司電話 Company Phone
手提電話 Mobile Phone
必須填寫 Required
電郵 Email
必須填寫 Required 格式不正確 Format incorrect
辦公室地址 Office Address
必須填寫 Required
與申請人關係 Relationship
與申請者關係 Relationship
必須填寫 Required
母親/監護人資料 Mother Information
姓氏(中) Last Name (Chi)
名字(中) Name (Chi)
姓氏(英) Last Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
名字(英) Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
職業 Occupation
公司 Company
公司電話 Company Phone
手提電話 Mobile Phone
必須填寫 Required
電郵 Email
必須填寫 Required 格式不正確 Format incorrect
辦公室地址 Office Address
必須填寫 Required
與申請人關係 Relationship
與申請者關係 Relationship
必須填寫 Required
父親或母親可以只填其中一個 Father or mother can fill in only one of them
* 必須填寫 Required Fields
現/曾就讀本幼稚園的兄弟姊妹/父母資料 Information of siblings or parents studying/studied in this school
${ n + 1 }
姓氏(中) Last Name (Chi)
必須填寫 Required
名字(中) Name (Chi)
必須填寫 Required
姓氏(英) Last Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
名字(英) Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
關係 Relationship
必須填寫 Required
學年 School Year
必須填寫 Required
班級 Class
必須填寫 Required
備註 Remarks
新增 Add
現/曾就讀高主教書院或高主教書院小學部的兄弟姊妹/父母資料 Information of siblings or parents studying/studied in Raimondi college or Raimondi College Primary Section
${ n + 1 }
姓氏(中) Last Name (Chi)
必須填寫 Required
名字(中) Name (Chi)
必須填寫 Required
姓氏(英) Last Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
名字(英) Name (Eng)
必須填寫 Required
關係 Relationship
必須填寫 Required
必須填寫 Required
學年 School Year
必須填寫 Required
班級 Class
必須填寫 Required
備註 Remarks
新增 Add
其他資料 Other Information
如何認識本園 How did you find out about us?
備註 Remarks
文件 Document
只能以 JPG / GIF / PNG / PDF 的格式上載,檔案大小不能超過 2MB。
File in JPG / GIF / PNG / PDF format, file size less than 2MB.
個人相片 Personal Photo
${ file_name }
* 必須填寫 Required Fields
報讀級別資料 Class Application Information
申請學年 Applying for Year
${ opening_years[year_id] }
申請班級 Applying for Class
${ levels[applying_class] }
優先次序 Priority
1. ${ sections[applying_class][priority_one] }
2. ${ sections[applying_class][priority_two] }
3. ${ sections[applying_class][priority_three] }
申請人資料 Applicant Information
中文姓名 Chinese Name
${ other_last_name } ${ other_first_name }
英文姓名 English Name
${ en_last_name } ${ en_first_name }
性別 Gender
${ gender_options[gender] }
出生日期 Date of Birth
${ date_of_birth ? date_of_birth.substr(0, 10) : '' }
出生地點 Place of Birth
${ place_of_birth_options[place_of_birth] }
出生證明書號碼 Birth Certificate No.
${ identity_no }
家中常用語言 Language spoken at home
${ common_langs[common_lang] }
國藉 Nationality
${ nationality_options[nationality] }
宗教 Religion
${ religion_options[religion] }
領洗日期 Date Baptized
${ baptized_date ? baptized_date.substr(0, 10) : '' }
分區 District
${ district_options[district] }
電郵 Email
${ email }
住址 Home Address
${ address }
電話 Telephone No.
${ phone }
申請人曾就讀的學校(如有) Previous School
${ previous_school }
現/曾就讀本幼稚園的兄弟姊妹/父母資料 Information of siblings or parents studying/studied in this school
姓名(中) Name(Chi)
${ object.other_last_name }${object.other_first_name }
姓名(英) Name(Eng)
${ object.en_last_name } ${object.en_first_name }
關係 Relationship
${ object.relationship }
學年 School Year
${ object.school_year }
班級 Class
${ object.class }
備註 Remarks
${ object.remarks }
家長/監護人資料 Parent/Guardian Information
監護人姓名 Name of Parent/Guardian
${ father_other_last_name } ${ father_other_first_name } ${ father_en_last_name } ${ father_en_first_name }
手提電話 Mobile No.
${ father_phone }
電郵地址 Email Address
${ father_email }
與申請人關係 Relationship with applicant
${ relationship_options[father_relationship] } ${ father_relationship == 'guardian' ? '(' + father_guardian_relationship + ')' : ''}
主要聯絡人 Main Contact Person
${ main_contact_person=='father' ? '是 Yes' : '否 No' }
監護人姓名 Name of Parent/Guardian
${ mother_other_last_name } ${ mother_other_first_name } ${ mother_en_last_name } ${ mother_en_first_name }
手提電話 Mobile No.
${ mother_phone }
電郵地址 Email Address
${ mother_email }
與申請人關係 Relationship with applicant
${ relationship_options[mother_relationship] } ${ mother_relationship == 'guardian' ? '(' + mother_guardian_relationship + ')' : ''}
主要聯絡人 Main Contact Person
${ main_contact_person=='mother' ? '是 Yes' : '否 No' }
現/曾就讀高主教書院或高主教書院小學部的兄弟姊妹/父母資料 Information of siblings or parents studying/studied in Raimondi college or Raimondi College Primary Section
姓名(中) Name(Chi)
${ object.other_last_name }${object.other_first_name }
姓名(英) Name(Eng)
${ object.en_last_name } ${object.en_first_name }
關係 Relationship
${ object.relationship }
學校 School
${ object.school }
學年 School Year
${ object.school_year }
班級 Class
${ object.class }
備註 Remarks
${ object.remarks }
其他資料 Other Information
如何認識本園 How did you find out about us?
${ how_to_know_value[how_to_know] }
備註 Remarks
${ other_remarks }
文件 Document
個人相片 Personal Photo
${ name }
處理中 Processing
${ (uploaded.length/uploading_files.length * 100).toFixed(2) } %
報名表已遞交,申請編號為 ${ application_no }

Your application form has been successfully submitted.
Your application number is ${ application_no }.

Admission Fee
${ admission_fee }
報名表已遞交,申請編號為 ${ application_no }

Your application form has been successfully submitted.
Your application number is ${ application_no }.

面試時間 Interview time:

${ interview_date } ${ from }

Please press here to update applicant information.

Please press here to change the interview time if you cannot attend the above interview section.
另外,閣下將會收到確認電郵,請檢查閣下在申請表填寫的電郵為 ${ email }。如未收到該電郵,請與本校聯絡。

An acknowledgement will be sent to you via email service. Please ensure that the email address entered on the form is ${ email }. Please contact our school in case you fail to receive it.

提交 Submit
繼續 Continue
提交 Submit
取消 Cancel
返回 Back
到校付款 Pay at school
付款 Pay
列印已遞交的報名表 Print submitted form
高主教書院幼稚園部 網上收生系統 | Raimondi College Kindergarten Section eAdmission System
剩餘時間 ${ ("0" + currentTime.minutes).slice(-2) }:${ ("0" + currentTime.seconds).slice(-2) }
返回 確定取消
此班級之面試時段已滿額 The interview section of the applying class is full.
${ validation_msg }
此紀錄已存在 This record is exist.
Admission session will be expired, need more time to process?
繼續 Continue
取消 Cancel
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